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New penalties for fare evasion: here’s what you need to know

New penalties for fare evasion: here’s what you need to know

One of our ads highlighting the increased penalties for fare evasion, starting September 4, 2012

Over the past few weeks, you might have seen ads and posters on our system letting people know we’re stepping up our fare enforcement activities. That’s because effective September 4, 2012, TransLink assumes new responsibility to issue and collect fare infraction tickets, as well as resolve fare infraction disputes.

Our goal with this new responsibility is to cut down on fare evasion, and getting people to pay their fair share. It’s not to give out tickets to collect fines—we just want to make sure that people who fail to pay the correct fare face consequences.

So what does this mean for you?

For most people, it just means you should be prepared to produce your proof of payment at any time while riding on the transit system.

But for people who don’t pay their fare, what’s changing are the consequences. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Failure to show a valid proof of payment may result in a $173 fine.
  • If left unpaid, this fine amount escalates over time.
  • Outstanding fines may be sent to a collection agency.
  • ICBC may refuse to issue or renew your driver’s license, or renew your vehicle insurance if you have an outstanding fine.

And if you want to know more about the new legislation, or how to dispute or pay a fine, you can visit the Fare Evasion section of the TransLink website.

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