Poll results: 46% find out about transit changes at translink.ca
Poll results: 46% find out about transit changes at translink.ca

Well! Results are in from our service change poll, and our web outlets have come out on top!
Specifically: we asked you to pick the top 3 places where you find out about changes to your regular transit service, and the top answers were translink.ca (46%), followed by the Buzzer blog (34%). Signage at the bus stop (31%) was the third-highest info source — which makes sense, as it’s right where you need it!
I only stuck the top 7 entries into the chart above, to keep the graph easy to look at, but the rest of our outlets garnered a modicum of votes. Here’s the full results:
- translink.ca (46%, 54 Votes)
- Buzzer blog (34%, 40 Votes)
- signage at bus stop(31%, 36 Votes)
- Buzzer newsletter(18%, 21 Votes)
- Twitter (14%, 17 Votes)
- I only find out when the transit service actually changes (14%, 16 Votes)
- printed time table(7%, 8 Votes)
- friends, family, colleagues or other students (4%, 5 Votes)
- bus operator (4%, 5 Votes)
- newspaper (3%, 4 Votes)
- TransLink customer service (3%, 4 Votes)
- other (3%, 4 Votes)
- printed leaflets (3%, 3 Votes)
- radio (2%, 2 Votes)
- TransLink staff providing in-person outreach about changes (1%, 1 Votes)
- TV (1%, 1 Votes)
- Facebook (1%, 1 Votes)
Of course, this is an unscientific poll with only 118 respondents, but it’s a great indicator of where people get their info, and helps inform how we might get the word out about changes. Thanks again for taking the poll!
Sort of interesting, but also unsurprising. Was the poll conducted anywhere other than on this blog (presumably linked from translink.ca)?
No doubt those who only pay attention to (e.g.) radio, TV, leaflets or bus operators would not have had the opportunity to weigh in.
Yep, it’s more or less a fun poll with those limitations you’ve described. I’m already seeing if we can do a broader poll through market research though, don’t you worry :)