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Fun poll results: There’s a lot of nice things people do for each other on transit

Fun poll results: There’s a lot of nice things people do for each other on transit

Buzzer readers never cease to surprise me. When Jhen posted the last fun poll: what’s the nicest thing another rider has ever done for you?, I expected that one of the non “other” options would garner the largest number of votes.

Well, it turns out there’s a lot of nice stuff fellow transit riders do for each other that we didn’t think of. Here’s a break down of the votes: Other (24 votes), Given up their seat for me when I needed it (18 votes), Stepped off the bus to let me out first (15 votes), Helped me figure out where I was going (10 votes),  Asked the driver to hold the vehicle for me (9 votes).

Here’s some of the “other” niceness Buzzer readers mentioned:

TM had a bunch of nice things to share.

I’ve been helped out quite a few times. I’ve had riders tap me on the shoulder to wake me up at a terminus, or elderly people refusing to take the seat I’ve offered because I’m carrying lots of things. I’ve had my wallet returned to the bus driver before too. Lots of honest and kind people on transit.

Alex Stormhall had a comment about niceness that I can relate to since I can be a tad forgetful.

I never met this person in person, but there was one time where I was on the 321 headed to Newton Exchange, and I was rushing to make my connection with the 301 back to Richmond. In my haste, I had inadvertently left my laptop on the bus! Thankfully, I made it on the next 394 Express to take me to White Rock Centre, as the bus I had gotten off of was a White Rock bus. When I got there, the driver told me that there was a lady who was kind enough to turn in the laptop to him! The drivers on both buses were also very courteous, and helpful, and made an otherwise nerve-wracking experience more bearable.

Marvin B was helped out by a very nice and attentive bus operator.

I once fell asleep on a late night 8 Fraser bus after a particularly long, awful shift. The driver noticed and woke me up somewhere around Kingsway. The driver asked where I wanted to be in case I fell asleep again. I told him 41st Ave. Before we arrived, sure enough I fell asleep again. The driver made sure I got off and didn’t go all the way to Marine Drive. I was extremely thankful!

Holly sounds like one of those friendly people who met some like minded bakers on board the B-Line.

I have a fond memory of exchanging cookie recipes with another passenger and the driver on the B-line. While traveling with my children, I often sit up front and end up in friendly conversations!

Andrew met someone who clearly went above and beyond what many riders who do when they see someone in need.

I was returning some equipment to long & mcquade and someone helped “reload” everything onto me so i could actually make it out the door of the bus.

A.R. had an unexpected experience that was made a lot easier thanks to the kindness and strength of her fellow riders.

My boyfriend and I were on the 99 during rush hour, packed in the area near one of the doors. He complained he wasn’t feeling well and before too long, he fainted. The other guys standing near us grabbed him so he didn’t fall too the ground, while other people shouted to the bus driver to pull over and let us off the bus. He thankfully came to within seconds, but I don’t think I would have been able to catch him on my own! Even on a crowded 99 people are pretty helpful.

Nick commented on something I hear a lot on the bus.

I’ve had people shout (very loudly, I might add) “BACK DOOR!” to the driver when the green light wasn’t lit so that I could exit a bus a couple times. I am quite soft-spoken, so thanks to those folks and the drivers who often apologize for forgetting!

Zack also mentions the “Back Door” phenomenon and kindly worries about the people who make themselves horse to help others alight the bus.

That is the grossest post I’ve ever seen on the Buzzer Blog and should be removed immediately. In terms of the generosity exhibited by fellow passengers, I remember trying desperately exit the rear doors (which were locked) of the 320 bus on front of the superstore on 104th & 146 ave. I tried shouting BACK DOOR! but the driver didn’t listen what’s he sped off, that’s when on man shouted BAAAACK DOOOOOR!!! His voice was loud enough for an immediate reaction by the driver, I thanked the fellow passenger, although at the same time I was worried how all that shouting might have affected his vocal cords.

As always, we really appreciate all of you who took the time to take the poll and share the kindness that others shared you while on transit. Keep that outpouring of kindness flowing everyone! We transit riders need to look out for one another.



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