True or false: Most of TransLink’s revenue comes from fares
True or false: Most of TransLink’s revenue comes from fares

We’ve got another poll for Buzzer blog readers to take today. True or false: Most of TransLink’s revenue comes from fares
These polls and their accompanying video answers are all part of our consultation process for the draft 2013 Base Plan. If you haven’t seen our previous polls or conversation on this latest three-year plan, go here and you’ll be up to date.
I’ll be posting the video answer to this poll on the blog this afternoon. We’d also like to remind everyone to take the draft Base Plan questionnaire, available to fill out until October 12, 2012 on the TransLink website, or the PlaceSpeak 2013 Base Plan and Outlook survey.
Everyone did so well with the last poll, let’s see if you can do it again! Update: The answer is false. Click here for the full answer.
True or false: Most of TransLink's revenue comes from fares
Total Voters: 43 |
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