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Vancouver Sun article: on TransLink providing quality transit today and looking to the future

Vancouver Sun article: on TransLink providing quality transit today and looking to the future

One of our busy 99 buses, with a crowd of bikes in front.

The Vancouver Sun published an article today on the present state of TransLink’s operations and future financial challenges.

Our Executive Vice President of Customer and Public Engagement, Bob Paddon and TransLink Board Chair, Nancy Olewiler sat down with The Vancouver Sun’s editorial board and talked with them about  the lack of short and long term funding, halting of any transit expansion (except The Evergreen Line), the possibility of some reduced service, possible reduction of extra buses and recovery time for bus operators, some reduction in SkyTrain requency and the selling off of property in order to “live within our means.”

Our proposed fare increase not being approved by TransLink’s Regional Transportation Commissioner, a resolution by the Mayor’s Council that the  two-year property tax TransLink was going to start to receive in 2013 is no longer available and less gas tax revenue than projected have put TransLink in a challenging position funding wise.

We know that more people are taking public transit in Metro Vancouver than ever before. We also know that many people in Metro Vancouver want quality transit that keeps up with the demand.

We’re interested in what readers think of TransLink’s current funding challenges and how we are planning to deliver what we believe is the best possible service with the funding provided to us.

This is an important subject about an important time for public transit in Metro Vancouver, and something we’ll definitely be talking about more in the near future. We look forward to your thoughts!





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