Bike to Work Week starts next week, Oct 29-Nov 2, 2012
Bike to Work Week starts next week, Oct 29-Nov 2, 2012
It’s Bike to Work Week next week: October 29-November 2, 2012!
So if you’re looking for a reason to try cycling to work, now’s your chance. Bike to Work Week features commuter stations set up throughout Metro Vancouver to reward you while you ride. Plus you can team up with your coworkers to compete against companies in the region, giving you a chance to win great prizes!
Sign your team up at the Bike To Work Week website, and you’ll find a place to log your commutes and info about the commuter stations throughout the region. (The stations have snacks and free bike mechanic services!)
And follow the Buzzer along next week: we’ve asked intrepid TransLink cyclist and Vancouver is Awesome cycling blogger Kristin Lillyman to share some of her stories from the road!
Are you pumped for it? Good! Now let’s reach back into the archives and grab some of our existing pointers for biking to work!
- What to wear when you’re cycling
- The bicycle diaries: five things I learned on Day 1 of Bike To Work Week
- Bike To Work Week: an interview with bike mechanic Mike Grant
- How to take your bike on the bus!
- A guest post from Average Joe Cyclist, on how to get started bicycle commuting
And if you need help planning your route, use the “Full Maps” on our cycling page, the UBC Cycling Metro Vancouver page or biking directions in Google Maps.
Bon voyage!
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