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TransLink in the media: Crime down on the system

TransLink in the media: Crime down on the system

Those with a nose for news might have read articles yesterday regarding the reduction of crime on our system this year. For the complete info, check out the Transit Police press release. The meat of most of the coverage is this:

“In the first half of 2012, crimes against people, such as theft, sexual assault and aggravated assault were cut by 17 per cent, building on the 14 per cent realized in 2011. Crimes against property, including vandalism, were down four per cent from 2011.”

We last wrote about the Transit Police in our second installment of our on the system series which looked at the increase in fare evasion enforcement this year. According to the Transit Police, “1.4 million passenger fare inspections” were conducted over the course of the first nine months of 2012.

As noted in our past blog post, fare evaders may be wanted for other violations besides fare evasion. According to the release, between the months of January and June 2012, Transit Police, “…successfully conducted investigations that led to new charges in over 500 Reports to Crown Counsel.”

After nine months of an increase in focus on fare evasion and this reported reduction of crime, we’re interested to know how you feel about safety and security on the system. Please post your comments on this subject!



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