True or false: It costs the same to run a bus no matter its route or location. Marisa Espinosa gives us the answer
True or false: It costs the same to run a bus no matter its route or location. Marisa Espinosa gives us the answer
Our latest instalment of the draft 2013 Base Plan videos is about the cost of running a bus. Jhen and I asked Marisa Espinosa, Senior Manager of TransLink service planning, to answer the following question: True or false: It costs the same to run a bus no matter its route or location. If you’ve already read our Managing the Transit Network series, you’ll know the answer.
Do check out the other videos we’ve posted on the TransLink YouTube channel. The videos give a quick snapshot of some of the content found in our draft 2013 Base Plan document. There’s also our questionnaire or the PlaceSpeak 2013 Base Plan and Outlook survey that you can complete to provide feedback on the plan (besides posting your thoughts on the blog of course).
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