Links and tidbits – November 22, 2012
Links and tidbits – November 22, 2012
A great viral video with a great message from Metro Melbourne about dumb ways to die, many of which involve transit!
Our friends at the TransLinked blog posted this fabulous Get on the Bus jinglefrom the 1970s. I have to say that I love this song. Thereare so many interesting facts in it, and it gives a really great glimpse into what Vancouver and transit used to look like.
Here’s Part 1 of the Get on the Bus jingle
Here’s a brilliant exercise in editing. A fun TransLink and very Coca-Cola-centric video (no, we didn’t commission this). Thanks Vancitybuzz for the link!
- One of our transit pet peeves is to not play music too loud on transit. This may not be a transit pet peeve in Norway, especially for the music group known as Pelbo. Check out their video on a bus!
- The Ubyssey talks transit issues at UBC with a special “Transportation Supplement“. You’ll find links to various stories coming off this main link.
- Here’s a fun link about biking-related songs that was discovered during some research about Bike to Work Week. My favourite is “Bike” by Pink Floyd!
- This certainly isn’t fun, but it needs to be noted. A STM (Société de transport de Montréal ) agent in Montreal punches a passenger! Here’s another story about the incident.
- The MOV (Museum of Vancouver) is selling merchandise and some of it has old trolley scrolls woven into rugs, pillows and other fun stuff.
- Toronto has some new snazzy streetcars. Check ’em out!
- Edmonton is also raising some transit fares.
- The South Fraser blog chimes in about TransLink service optimization.
- In Waterloo, being left behind is the biggest complaint of them all.
- Alex Samuel talks about how smartphones have eradicated the “third place” of the bus.
- Some interesting and graphically sound non-official stickers on London’s Central Line.
- Jason Vanderhill of Illustrated Vancouver let us know about these great images by university students in North Vancouver. Here’s a neat one of buses, Granville Street with the #6 riding down it, Gas Town with the #50… oh just check the Reflections blog out for more!

Derek Cheung sent us these images of his visit to New Flyer factory where the first of 25 hybrid Coast Mountain Bus articulated buses were ready for inspection.
Ooo, pretty new 60-footers!
The bus in the Gas Town painting appears to be the 50, not the 10, though!
Tim: My bad – I fixed it. Thanks!
The new buses look kind of weird and incomplete missing the dark grey between the yellow stripe and above the windows, like the Trolleys, Surrey/Poco buses and the new shuttles?
Why didn’t these get the same livery?
Are all the B-Line buses going to be numbered in the 90s? Other than limiting us to 10 B-Line routes, it would be cool for the Surrey route to be numbered 86 (instead of 96), as it essentially extends the Skytrain that opened in time for Expo ’86.
I can’t wait to see those in service! :D
Meraki: It does looks like crap without the black top. I have no idea why they didn’t add the black top.
Interesting to note that the fleet numbers of the new buses are in the 12 thousands, and based in Richmond? I would assume that they would run on the 99B at BTC, though surrey would be nice.
@ Sheba
I don’t think that extending the Expo Line is enough of a reason to use that number. It should be in the 90’s to maintain consistent branding. As we build more rail, we’ll be able to reuse older numbers. The #98 is useable, but we haven’t even touched the others yet.
@ Kyle
The reason I heard for why Richmond gets the new buses is that they’re the only depot with full time A/C mechanics (and the new buses being A/C equipped would make that understandable.)
New numbering system: the first two digits signify the year of the bus order.
OOO. The buses look good with flush windows. We better not let yahoos scrach the windows at the back of these new vehicles.