The December 2012 Buzzer is on the system
The December 2012 Buzzer is on the system
Tis’ that time of the season for our annual holiday edition of the print Buzzer! What makes this issue special? Well, it’s chock full of holiday info to help you on your merry way throughout Metro Vancouver.
Many of you already know about the December Service changes which started on December 3. For those who haven’t noticed the changes yet, we’ve printed them in this issue. A couple of changes of note are the new #555 Port Mann ExpressBus and the return of the #5 and N6 NightBus to their previous routes.
Mention is also made of holiday transit service, which includes altered service on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day as well as info about free service on New Year’s Eve (Sorry, you’ll have to check the issue or the blog or TransLink website later this month for specifics).
The holiday season just wouldn’t feel right without the West Coast Express Santa Train. The first ride starts tomorrow, December 8, 2012. Make sure you have your toy to donate and your best holiday clothes on for your photo with Santa!
Also, helping to spread the holiday cheer again this year are the Reindeer Bus and Reindeer Shuttle. We’ve already received photos of the bus in action on the blog and on our Facebook page.
This issue includes info about where you can catch the bus or shuttle and snap your photos and possibly even meet Santa, Mrs. Clause and a Christmas bus operating elf! If you’re a shutter bug, you’ll want to check the blog later today to find out how you could win a Monthly FareCard for snapping a picture of either the bus or shuttle and sending it to us!
Speaking of contests, we announced the winner of our Halloween Photo Contest! The winning photo was of this Jolly Green Giant on the bus!

This issue also includes a list of the fares which will increase starting January 2013. You’ll want to read our post on this if you missed it.
Rounding out the Buzzer are the usual suspects: the contest corner, back issues and coming events.
We also note a very interesting art installation on Main street including the #3 bus. You’ll want also want to check the blog later today for more on this!
If you haven’t picked up the issue yet, you can download as it a .pdf. Happy holidays everyone!
December 26 Boxing Day can a one zone fare be used in all three zones and can two adults use a single Monthly Adult farecard?
Thank you.
Nancy: yes, that is the case!