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TransLink in the media: Ideas for funding

TransLink in the media: Ideas for funding

As many of you know, TransLink is going through some challenging times financially as we illustrated in our 2013 Base Plan series. News junkies have already read the handful of articles regarding ideas that the Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation has for funding TransLink’s operations.

There are five ideas in total that came out of an open letter to Transportation Minister Mary Polak. They include: a vehicle registration fee, a regional sales tax for transit, a regional carbon tax, land-value capture and road pricing.

To be clear, this is a Mayors’ Council announcement not a TransLink announcement, so we’re unable to answer questions about this issue (here’s a link to our governance model). However, in our effort to try to cover transit matters that matter to our riders, here’s a list of some of the coverage:

Vancouver Sun

The Huffington Post


Globe and Mail

North Delta Leader


Edit, Feb 7: Frances Bula has the full mayors letter up over at her blog.

If you have any thoughts or ideas about these latest articles about TransLink or funding of transit in Metro Vancouver in general, please post them in the comments section!

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