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Help wanted: volunteer to advise the Northeast Sector Area Transit Plan

Help wanted: volunteer to advise the Northeast Sector Area Transit Plan

Out for a stroll in Coquitlam. She could be on our Public Advisory Committee!
Out for a stroll in Port Moody. She could be on our Public Advisory Committee!

Are you interested in transit in your community? And do you live, work, or study, in Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Belcarra, or Anmore?

Well, TransLink needs your help!

We’re looking for people to sit on a new Public Advisory Committee (PAC), to provide community perspective into our newly-launched Northeast Sector Area Transit Plan process.

If you’re interested, there’s more info and an application form over at Applications, submitted online or through the mail, are due March 18, 2013.

What’s an area transit plan?

TransLink’s area transit plans identify long-term visions and near-term priorities for an area’s transit network and are undertaken for seven areas within Metro Vancouver.

The plans consider community input, current and projected land use and growth and transportation-related data findings, such as automated passenger counts. The Northeast Sector Area Transit Plan will coordinate transit planning with municipal land use planning while considering the future of the area.

Stakeholders and the public will have a variety of opportunities to provide feedback during the 18-month process, including through public consultation events and online surveys.

Check out the Area Transit Plan program overview page for more detail!


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