Buzzer illustrator interview: Gracelle Mesina
Buzzer illustrator interview: Gracelle Mesina

If you haven’t picked up the April issue of the Buzzer, you really should! Not only does it have wonderful content (I’m biased of course), it has some original artwork from Gracelle Mesina. Check out some of her other work! Here’s some more about her:
Tell us about yourself and your art!
Hi! I’m a full-time, fourth-year design student at SFU in the Interactive Arts + Technology program, a creative explorer and a visual storyteller. My art tends to be limitless and experimental in terms of colour, pattern, and materials/medium. I love trying new things with art and design.
What inspires you as an artist.
Situations that give me time to think, like hot showers, taking a walk and long transit rides.
Do you take transit? If so, what’s your preferred mode of transportation?
Yep! It’s how I get around Metro Vancouver. I’m always going downtown from Surrey. Skytrains are a godsend.
What can we expect from you in the future?
Better work in my portfolio! And a “Design Intern for Hire” sign around my neck :)
Anything you’d like to add?
Yay Transit! Thank you for making it easier for us to explore our beautiful cities!