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How did TransLink’s buses perform in 2012? Our new report has all the details!

How did TransLink’s buses perform in 2012? Our new report has all the details!

TransLink 2012 Bus Service Performance Review
The cover of TransLink’s 2012 Bus Service Performance Review. Click to read the report!

The latest review of TransLink’s bus system is out today!

It’s a report called the 2012 Bus Service Performance Review, and it shows that bus ridership increased in 2012, while costs per trip dropped. That’s good evidence that our bus service is more cost-effective than ever, and that our bus service optimization measures are working.

To get really specific on the numbers: we’ve found the number of bus trips taken per revenue hour has increased 3.4 per cent, while the average cost per trip dropped by 2.2 per cent. Please do check out the full review if you’d like the all the details and stats!

About the Bus Service Performance Review

We first produced a Bus Service Performance Review in 2011, and now every year we examine bus data to track to understand trends in ridership and bus productivity.

With buses making up more than 80 per cent of TransLink’s transit services, the review is a key tool to inform service optimization, or evidence-based decision making on how to best use bus resources—a process that involves extensive public consultation.

The review examines three key indicators on three levels: the entire system, eight sub-regional areas, and for every bus route. Have a look at our Bus Service Performance Review Document Library to see current and past reviews, plus detailed reports on every route in the system!

Read on to see a handy infographic that describes our overall results. Take a read and feel free to share it with others!

Infographic - 2012 TransLink Bus Service Performance Review
Click to see a much larger version!

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