Buzzer illustrator interview: Arin Ringwald
Buzzer illustrator interview: Arin Ringwald

Another day and another great Buzzer newsletter artist to tell you about! Arin Ringwald is the fantastic illustrator of the June 28, 2013 issue. Erin’s illustration reminds me of 8-bit video game graphics. I’m sure many readers can fondly remember that period in time.
If you’d like a closer look at Arin’s work, you can download the issue here or search for it on your local bus, SkyTrain or SeaBus!
Here’s a little more about the man behind the art!
Tell us about yourself and your art! What inspires you as an artist?
Well, I’m fast approaching 32, and what inspires me is the fact that I’m not going to be 31 anymore. Time is inspiring me to branch out right now. I’ve been doing freelance illustration and graphics for a while now, and it’s great being able to make a living doing that. But one cannot neglect their own personal need for expression. It’s a balancing act really. Success inspires me too. When I’ve accomplished something I struggled over, it’s like getting a lithium ion injection. Mmm. Ions.
Do you take transit? If so, what’s your preferred mode of transportation?
I ride transit nearly two hours most days. It’s quite a trek to me workplace, but aside from the odd sardine sandwich B-Line, it’s a pretty sweet deal to be able to zone out, catch up on work, or even sleep while also getting where I need to be. Do I have a preference? Can we lobby for skateboard bumper-hitches on the busses?
What can we expect from you in the future?
I’ve been asking myself that a lot lately. I’m kind of a jack-of-all-trades artist and I’ve always felt like I could take it in so many directions. Right now, I’m keen on doing more art for me. Music posters is a place I think I can find a place to grow in. There’s a healthy respect for coming up with fun, out-there and even experimental poster art – and I just got a juicy lead on an upcoming gig.
Anything you’d like to add?
Yeah, it’s summer, lets go climb some mountains!
Wanna know more? Check out Arin’s website!