Introducing Borjana!

Introducing Borjana!


Hi Buzzer readers. My name is Borjana and I recently joined TransLink to support the work of the Regional Transportation Strategy team. I love the work this team has done on preparing for how we’ll travel in Metro Vancouver in the next 30 years and I’ll be sharing those ideas and plans with you. I already posted about the Regional Transportation Strategy twice here and here.

I’ve been a transit commuter for years and so far I’ve used SkyTrain, buses, West Coast Express and Seabus to get to work. You can probably tell I moved quite a bit, right? My favourite commute option is SeaBus because of the stunning views of the coast line on a sunny day. My transit commute is great for reading. It’s so great I sometimes get so absorbed with a book and I miss my stop!

I hope you’ll enjoy my future posts.

Author: Borjana Slipicevic

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