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Links and tidbits – July 12, 2013

Links and tidbits – July 12, 2013

It’s been a while since we posted a Links and Tidbits. Here’s a great video from a video produced by our friends with the Transit Museum Society. Here’s the direct YouTube link.

Links and tidbits is our semi-regular roundup of interesting tidbits and links about transportation from the last week or so. If you have links to contribute, put them in the comments, or email us!


  • One of our colleagues William recently took public transit to travel from Vancouver to Portland and Salem. This article in The Atlantic shows how you can travel across California on local transit. It make me wonder… could William go from Vancouver to Southern California by transit?


  • I’ve seen artists use subway stations as muse, but I’ve never seen the intersection as inspiration or even subject matter before. Some local designers did just that.


  • Here’s one for the transit maps nerds: a map of all the subways in North America.


  • What do you think of “subway libraries”? Do you think they would encourage more commuters to read on their transit trips?


  • The Expo Line is the oldest line of the SkyTrain rapid transit system in Metro Vancouver. From 1985, it has gone through upgrades and changes… take a look at this split-screen video Skyway, that takes you on a ride! Here’s the direct Youtube link.


  • Railway workers in London have uncovered what they believe was a burial ground for victims of the Black Death – a deadly disease that wiped out half of London’s population in the mid-14th century. Don’t worry, there’s no risk of a new outbreak – the bacillus is fragile and dies without a host!


  • Here’s a heartwarming story of a couple who found their son in a dark, damp subway station.


  • Check out this movie Trolleybus by the Trolley Project, promoting a new more positive image of trolleybuses in Europe.


  • There are always some very interesting characters on the transit system. In New York, there’s the “Lady in Lime Green”.


  • One of our friends of the Buzzer, Jason Vanderhill, shared this lovely video of a bus tour through Vancouver. Look at that beautiful blue sky!  Thanks for sharing, Jason.



  • This video was recently posted to our TransLink Facebook page… a humourous video involving a transit rider and a graphic designer. What if you saw this at your bus stop?

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