Transit service for Caribbean Days July 27, 28, 2013
Transit service for Caribbean Days July 27, 28, 2013

Caribbean Days is a weekend of tropical rhythm, cuisine, carnival and culture. Called the largest Caribbean event on the local calendar, TransLink is increasing service to accommodate these two days that attract tens of thousands of people.
Here are the service changes:
July 27, 2013 – The SeaBus will run every 15-minutes starting at 9:15 a.m., then every 10-minute service 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and then every 15-minutes until 11:45 p.m.
July 28, 2013 – The SeaBus run every 10-minutes from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Scheduled arrival/departure times will be maintained, with the 3rd boat slotted in-between. The SeaBus will run its regular summer Sunday service before and after increased service.
The Festival is held at Waterfront Park in North Vancouver, just east of the SeaBus Terminal at Lonsdale Quay. For location, travel info and more you’ll want to check out the Caribbean Days website.
I haven’t attended the days myself, but I’m planning to this weekend. I’ve been told Saturday is more focused on adults while Sunday has a lot for kids to do. Enjoy the fun this weekend!
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