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I Love Transit 2013: Nina and Jarred got married on a TransLink bus!

I Love Transit 2013: Nina and Jarred got married on a TransLink bus!

I Love Transit 2013

TransLink bus wedding
Nina Schmidt and Jarred Greff got married on a TransLink bus on the afternoon of Tuesday, August 6, 2013!

Well, we’ve got the best story ever for I Love Transit Week. The lovely Nina Schmidt and Jarred Greff were happily married on a TransLink bus today!

It was a huge surprise for their friends and family. Jarred and the 30+ wedding guests were picked up by the bus at a different location, and the bus drove everyone to Canadian Memorial Church to ostensibly pick up Nina. But Nina walked right onto the bus and they got married on board instead.

So why the bus? Nina and Jarred first met on board the #3 Main, making transit a hugely special place for them. You may have read their story in the August 2 Buzzer, but here it is again:

Finding love on the #3 bus

by Nina Schmidt

On Wednesday, April 18, 2012 around 11:40 a.m., Jarred and I met for the first time on the number 3 bus going up Main Street. I was sitting in the folding accordion-like section when Jarred walked by and sat down a couple metres away from me. We couldn’t stop making eye contact. Then he stood up and sat down to the closest available seat to me. We had about three stops to talk before I had to get off the bus. We didn’t exchange numbers, but he told me he worked at Main and 23rd. With the encouragement of good friends, I chased him down at work later that day. A couple days later, we went on a 22-hour date and we’ve been inseparable ever since.

It sounds cheesy, but I would call it love at first sight, something I definitely didn’t believe in at that point of my life. But Jarred and I are perfect for each other, and we are so blessed and thankful.

There is never a week we don’t talk about our first meeting on the bus. It’s just so random. I had to run after that bus that day, and Jarred didn’t plan on taking it, but he was running late to work. What are the chances that a girl from Germany and a guy from the prairies would meet on a bus and fall deeply in love?

The media came out to help capture their special day too: here’s articles from the Vancouver Sun, CBC, Huffington Post BC, 24 Hours, The Province, Metro News, Chilliwack Times, and the Ottawa Citizen.

Here’s a few snaps from the wedding! And a huge congratulations to Nina and Jarred!

TransLink bus wedding
Nina Schmidt and Jarred Greff step off the TransLink bus after their ceremony, August 6, 2013.
TransLink bus wedding
Nina Schmidt and Jarred Greff interviewed by the media on board the TransLink bus after their ceremony, August 6, 2013.

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