Festivals and Races and Fireworks Oh My!

Festivals and Races and Fireworks Oh My!

Summer photo
TransLink helps you get where you need to go this summer!


To help you get where you need to go this summer, TransLink will adjust services around some events to make your travel more comfortable and convenient. To stay abreast of any detours or service changes related to events around the region, check out the alerts or special events pages.


Upcoming events include, but are not limited to:

July 8: UBC Grand Prix

July 9: Gastown Grand Prix

July 10: Giro Di Burnaby Race

July 12: Khatsahlano Music Festival

July 12 to 13: Caribbean Festival – Maple Ridge

July 26 to 27: Caribbean Days – North Shore

July 26, July 30 and August 2: Celebration of Light

August 3: Sunset Beach Festival & Market and Pride Parade

August 16 to September 1: A special shuttle service operates during the Fair at the PNE, 7 days a week.


TravelSmart continues to sponsor BEST’s Bicycle Valet, which offers cyclists free and secure temporary bike storage. If you plan on enjoying any of the festivities listed above, check BEST’s calendar of events to see if there is a bike valet that can serve you.


For transit service information on the go, sign up for Transit Alerts, visit our mobile page, follow @TransLink or call Customer Service at 604-953-3333.

Author: Angela Salehi

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