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The 2013 Bus Service Performance Review is live!

The 2013 Bus Service Performance Review is live!

2013 Bus Service Performance Review
TransLink investment in bus service is helping meet regional growth needs


Okay transit enthusiasts, it is that time of the year where TransLink’s Service Planning department takes stock of how the bus system performed the year before and summarizes it in a Bus System Performance Review. Woohooo! Right?

Here are the quick highlights:

  • Customers boarded TransLink buses 228 million times in 2013, up eight million or 3% since 2010.
  • More customers are riding the 215 bus routes across the region and productivity in boardings per service hour has increased by 6%.
  • Bus productivity remained steady in 2013, despite a slight decline in overall ridership compared to 2012. This is in part a result of service optimization, which shifts service to better match demand and optimizes bus schedules.
  • South of Fraser saw the largest increase in service – with an 11% over the last three years, partly due to new services like the King George B-Line and 555 over the Port Mann Bridge, introduced to meet growth in that region.
  • South of Fraser experienced the highest growth in annual passenger boardings of 4.3 million between 2010 and 2013.
  • Since 2010, Bus ridership grew by 10% or more in Ladner/South Delta/Tsawwassen, Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows and Richmond.

This review helps identify trends and opportunities for improvement by looking at the performance of the whole bus system, in smaller regional areas, and for each route. Ultimately, this information informs TransLink’s service optimization program, which helps to provide more service to more people across the region with the resources available .

Curious how TransLink manages the transportation network? Check out the Transit Network Primer.

Here is our post on the 2012 Bus Service Performance Review.

Author: Angela Salehi


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