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We have a new contributer to the Buzzer blog – Adrienne!

We have a new contributer to the Buzzer blog – Adrienne!

It's me!
It’s me!

Oh, hello, I didn’t see you there. Pull up a seat and let’s chat! I’m Adrienne and I am happy to make your electronic acquaintance here on the fabulous Buzzer blog. I am also very excited to be a new addition to the communications team at TransLink!

Public transit is my go-to mode of transportation. When I travel the world, which I love to do, I always rely on the city’s buses, trains, metros and trams to take me where I need to go and see the sights as I do so. I truly believe that the best way to experience a city through its transportation systems and Metro Vancouver is no different. Bike trails and lanes, walking paths as well as roads and bridges all feed into a successful overall transportation experience. I’ll be blogging about all of these subjects as well.

Coming from a journalism background, I’m always looking for the story behind the story. What makes people tick and why? You’ll be seeing my posts here as well as some of our other social media accounts, probably saying something terribly witty and insightful about transportation in this region and how it affects life, the universe and everything. Hmm…Is the answer 42? I hope to bring you the stories behind the stories of our operators, employees, riders and the cities that make up Metro Vancouver. I’m going to try some fresh ideas and I’d love to get your input. So, dish! What would you like to see on the blog??

Just FYI, here are three things I could never live without:
1)      My fluffy beasties (3 cats, 2 dogs)

2)      Music of all kinds – I’m usually humming or singing something

3)      My mum (Aww!)

Author: Adrienne Coling


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