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Links and Tidbits – February 27, 2015

Links and Tidbits – February 27, 2015

Links and tidbits is our semi-regular roundup of interesting fodder about transportation from the last few weeks or so. If you have links to contribute, put them in the comments, or email us.

Check out these amazing video clips of every day commuters from Berlin based photographer Adam Magyar.

»  These people boogied down on funky Friday on a train in Perth, Australia.

»   Buzzer blog reader Barry wrote in and sent us a great link to 10 global Transportation Maps. Thanks Barry!

»   ALLLLLLLLLL ABOARD!!!!!!!! What if the SkyTrain had a conductor? Pix-Elated films finds out!

»   Dating got extra speedy on the LA Metro this year with their Red Line speed dating event just in time for Valentine’s Day!

»   Good Samaritans saved the day in Florida when a local bus driver passed out behind the wheel.

»   Buzzer blog reader Mike sent us his own post about Japanese rail in light of our latest Buzzer blog poll on world transit systems. Scroll to the Oct 14, 2014 entry to check it out!

»   Helen Mirren is one classy lady. The actress has been spotted numerous times looking elegant, as always, taking the NYC subways with great transit etiquette!

»   The TMNT to the rescue! Watch the heroes in half-shells save LA transit!

»   Transit has been all up in the Twittersphere lately! Take a look at the best and worst of public transit Twitter accounts.

»   Remember this epic Danish commercial for their buses? Well, they’re back at it and making the bus cool again with this latest ad.

»   The CEO of IBM is getting behind he idea of greening transit worldwide suggesting joint policies to make the change happen.

»   The mayor of Seattle is getting rid of the option to turn right on red in the downtown core as a part of his vision zero plan.

»   Baby, it’s cold outside! Boston’s public transit stood still after a series of intense winter storms dumped record amounts of snow in the area. Makes you appreciate the rain… almost.

»   After New York’s MTA launched their sassy ad campaign to remind riders of public transit etiquette, San Francisco’s BART is on highlight as people are asked their biggest pet peeves on the system.

»   The age old rivalry of car versus transit has been tested. From Surrey to downtown Vancouver, transit will get you there faster!

Author: Adrienne Coling


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