Metro Vancouver: Hollywood North
Metro Vancouver: Hollywood North

Photo courtesy of John Biehler
When I saw the news that Ryan Reynolds was heading home to film the Deadpool movie AND the amazing reboot of The X-Files (hopefully to be filmed here again as well) was going forward I got super excited!
I love that I have lived in two major Canadian cities that have become the backdrop for so many TV shows and movies.
Personally, whenever I see a street filled with trailers and film equipment, my interest is instantly piqued!
I usually wonder 2 things:
1) What is being filmed?
2) Have I seen it?
With a mix of throwback and current favourites, here are 10 shows that were filmed right here in Metro Vancouver!
Have you seen any of these familiar faces or others around town? Any celebrity encounters on transit?
Once I sat across from Ben from Felicity (Scott Speedman) on the TTC.
But my claim to fame by association was really the impromptu chat I had with Malcom McDowell downtown Toronto. He said I was lovely and gave me free signed merch for my dad and I! THAT. WAS. COOL.
Don’t forget transit! Check out buses, SkyTrains and even stations stealing scenes in these past Buzzer blog posts.
You can always see who is filming where, around the region at YVRShoots and take a peek at what’s filming this spring and summer, while you’re at it!
**Great news for all Roald Dahl fans, Steven Spielberg is directing a new movie version of The B.F.G. being filmed right now!!!**
Author: Adrienne Coling
There are so many shows that people forget were filmed here too. I just did a quick look and the numbers are staggering.
I have to admit that I don’t get quite so excited to see film trailers as I expect to be slowed down. One day they totally blocked off the street just one block up from me to film a car commercial – no vehicle traffic and pedestrians were only allowed to walk through at limited times.
They also film ‘the island’ scenes for Arrow nearby and I’m glad they do it all over a couple days as some of the crew drove through quiet residential streets in big Hummer-like trucks as if it was a highway. I presume they found parking elsewhere (there isn’t much here) as they haven’t been roaring through my neighbourhood again.
Hi Sheba! I definitely get annoyed at the house that constantly rents out their place for filming near my home. So I guess the shine has worn off for me there! haha
Keep clear of the Georgia Viaduct for the Deadpool filming. I just read that they have it all closed for about 2 weeks!
I know someone who lived near where they apparently filmed some of the Saw movies (or at least I think it was that franchise). ‘Why is there screaming coming from the house – oh wait they must be filming another movie… ‘. I hope that’s not the house you live near!
What I saw for Deadpool is that they’ll open a lane for evening rush hour, so it shouldn’t be complete pandemonium. I don’t own a car and the token times I head downtown is via Skytrain, so I should be fine.
If X-Files does decide to film here again… now there will be pandemonium!