Employees from TransLink’s family of companies and unions raised over $275,000 for United Way

Employees from TransLink’s family of companies and unions raised over $275,000 for United Way

Translink United Way
Photo (L to R): Lara Mickel (TransLink), Doug Allen (Interim CEO, TransLink), Merrilee Ashworth (TransLink), David Black (President, COPE 378), Michael McKnight (CEO, UWLM), Shawn Francis (Executive Officer, Unifor 2200; CMBC), Kathy Pereira (CMBC), Alicia Doyon (COPE 378, CMBC), Cathy McLay (CFO, TransLink), Jim Hopkins (BCRTC).

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of employees in the TransLink family, our 2014 donation to United Way of the Lower Mainland topped $275,000!

Employees from TransLink, B.C. Rapid Transit Company, Coast Mountain Bus Company, Transit Police, COPE 378, CUPE 4500, CUPE 7000, Unifor 111, and Unifor 2200 contributed their time and generously donated to support United Way’s programs and services.

For more information on how contributions to United Way are helping make a difference in the lives of so many in our community, visit United Way of the Lower Mainland’s website at uwlm.ca.

Author: Adrienne Coling

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