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Fun poll: Where on transit do you like to sit?

Fun poll: Where on transit do you like to sit?

Where do YOU sit?
Where do YOU sit?

I have a bit of a system for my daily commute and how I decide where to sit completely depends on the time of day and my mood.

But I always use what I developed living in Toronto and dubbed “subway science.”

Basically, I try and sit in the same relative area because it is the easiest to get off at whatever stop I’m going to. It’s not really scientific!

In the morning, I try to make things as easy as possible because I’m still half asleep.

I travel before the rush and head East instead of West so I usually get my pick of seats. Lucky, I know!

During these times, I try to snag a single seat near the back of the bus or car on the SkyTrain.

That way, I can zone out, doze in and out of sleep and get out of the vehicle without disturbing others.

However, I feel differently in the afternoons and evenings. I’m definitely more smiley and I feel chatty!

So, this is when I usually like to sit with a buddy. I’ll choose (if I have a choice) one of the double seats, sit on the inside, invite someone to sit beside me and see if they are feeling chatty too.

Sometimes they aren’t. And that’s ok!

On buses specifically, I often try to sit by the back doors so I can leave quickly and not get caught “swimming upstream” to the front door(s).

I know lots of people have similar habits or systems. So,where do you like to be on transit?

Let us know by voting for your choices below, leaving a comment, tweeting us @TheBuzzer, or emailing us at!
*You can choose two answers*

Where do you like to sit on transit?

  • Back of the car or bus for some uninterrupted solitude (30%, 140 Votes)
  • As close to the doors as possible to make a quick getaway (26%, 122 Votes)
  • Single seats only! (19%, 88 Votes)
  • As far away from people as possible (15%, 68 Votes)
  • Near the driver to ask questions and see the road (6%, 27 Votes)
  • Buddy seats - perhaps for an adorable meet cute moment (3%, 15 Votes)
  • Around others to make conversation (1%, 4 Votes)

Total Voters: 366

Author: Adrienne Coling


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