Pattullo Bridge rehabilitation begins April 29, 2016
Pattullo Bridge rehabilitation begins April 29, 2016

The Pattullo Bridge is in need of some TLC!
This is one of the oldest bridges in the region and comprehensive rehabilitation work is needed to maintain road safety and bridge functionality.
Work will begin on April 29, 2016 and continue until October 3, 2016.
This necessary construction will help to extend the life of the bridge until a new one can be built to replace it.
What to expect
Between April 29 and Oct. 3, 2016 drivers can expect the following:
- The bridge will be closed from the evening of April 29 (8 p.m.) to the morning of May 2 (5 a.m.) to allow crews to set up for construction work. The bridge will also close from the evening of Sept. 30 (8 p.m.) to the morning of Oct. 3 (5 a.m.) for crews to remove equipment.
- From May 2 to Sept. 30, the bridge will remain open with one lane in each direction.
- Truck access will be maintained
- The bridge will be closed to all traffic two nights a week and one weekend a month. Be sure to read our closure schedule (navigate to the closure schedule tab) for details about upcoming closures.
- Pedestrians and cyclists will still be able to use the bridge, even during evening and weekend closures.
- Minor vehicle incidents on the bridge will cause significant delays and potentially a full bridge closure.
How to prepare
The Pattullo Bridge is one of the busiest crossings in Metro Vancouver and increased congestion and delays are expected in the area during construction.
Travel times are dependent on the street and time of day. Drivers taking the Pattullo Bridge should plan an extra 20 to 40 minutes of travel time in the morning peak period and 10 to 30 minutes in the afternoon peak period.
Pattullo Bridge users should start planning ahead and thinking of alternatives which may be faster, such as:
• Transit
• Using other crossings
• Traveling outside of peak periods
• Carpooling
• Cycling
Six additional parking locations near New Westminster Station, Scott Road Station and Surrey Central Station have been identified, in addition to existing Park and Ride lots, to make it easier for drivers to connect to transit. Additional service hours have also been added to the 101, 104, 128, 155, 340 and the 410 bus routes.
What we are doing
Work will focus on essential deck repairs to address some sections of the bridge with concrete degradation that occurs over time. Crews will:
- mill off the asphalt surfacing from the deck;
- remove all deck concrete down to the top layer of rebar;
- repair concrete delamination (deterioration of concrete), clean or replace rebar; and
- repave the whole deck area with a concrete overlay.
Please plan ahead and expect delays during this process.
We thank you and appreciate your patience while we do this important work.
For more information and travel resources visit
Author: Adrienne Coling
Wow! Intense closures. But I guess its sorely needed on such an ancient bridge. Too bad the referendum didn’t pass and we could just replace it…
Such a beautiful heritage bridge! So unique. Glad it’s staying, hopefully for a long time. Lions Gate is just as old… let’s give The Patullo the redirect she deserves
The Patullo Bridge closure schedule link does not open or work on this page. Please fix.
why is so much money being wasted on this bridge. Clearly a new bridge is needed. Why put a bandage on an open wound? The Patullo should be replaced BEFORE the Massey Tunnel replaced. This government only sees dollar signs. REPLACE this bridge before it collapses.
Waste of money when clearly a new bridge is needed now..and tolled so it stops being one of the “busiest crossings in the Lower Mainland.” The ridiculous increase in traffic started with the tolling of the Port Mann.
Even though these repairs are costly, it is still 1/10 of the total cost if a full rehabilitation. 10 million dollar fix instead of a 100 million dollar over hall. Hopefully these cheaper choices will build back the public’s trust and the next referendum will pass.
Hi Colleen. The link has been updated. Make sure to go to the closure schedule link.
Where can we see the adjusted hours for the buses mentioned, specifically the 104? I haven’t been able to find anything beyond ‘adding service hours’ so far.
Tolling the bridge will cost so much for us who work in new west and live in Surrey. It’s already expensive to cross Portman. I ask that u guys don’t toll the bridge. Many of us aren’t rich enough to pay tolls especially if that’s the only way to go to new west from surrey.
I have no doubt the bridge needs this work and there’s no avoiding the closures and delays.
I also have no doubt that the choice to “Maintain Truck Traffic” is to ensure traffic chaos and force people to pay tolls on the Port Mann (which shouldn’t have been tolled in the first place).
I’ve been using the Pattullo daily since 1995 and rush hours were never fun but until the Port Mann tolls kicked in its rarely been horrendous. Now, mostly thanks to the huge new influx of commercial trucks that travel at 10kmh and use both lanes contrary to the law (see the signs at each end saying trucks use right lane).
Either ban commercial trucks during the work or eliminate the toll on the Port Mann during that time. Not many can afford the toll (which is much more annually than many people’s income tax)
Housing prices are too high and wages have been falling for decades. So people move to the burbs and end up needing bridges because they can’t afford to live where they work. Toss in tolls and many lower paying jobs become pointless because your just working to pay tolls. Those that take transit will also end up with much longer trips thanks to all the buses stuck at other bridges (except the port man) thanks to people not being able to use the Pattullo.
Good luck to all the service based business in Vancouver. Unless they raise pay rates they just aren’t going to get people to fill positions – they can’t afford to work there.
^ Comments like these are the worst.
Solution: Toll the bridge $1 or $2.
If that is too much for you, your trip really probably wasn’t worth it in the first place. Public transit is actually a very reasonable solution for the vast, VAST, majority of people (low income and otherwise).
I agree with the most of the people here; tolls should be $1or $2 the most, and more people could use the bridges and more times per day if they need other than work only, hundreds of thousand of people work for $10.25, how the government allowed to have tolls $3.25 x 2 = $6.50 which means more than the half of the basic hourly wage, what about the social life if you have to visit family or friends? What dump politicians and economist they are???? Why people are not reacting to the government doesn’t matter if are Liberals, Conservatives, NDPs, or wherevere they are, they are not there for you but for themselves, trucks occupied both lanes of Patullo because they are not drivers with real skills or they are ignorants (huge amount of them in our days), all government levels (federal, provincial, municipal) are looking only how to suck your money out and wasting billions of dollars elsewhere, they see you only through to their big pockets, it is ABSOLUTLY REDICULUS, people should get smarter how to protect their income!
Hi all,
I understand your concerns and thank you for being a part of the discussion.
With regards to trucks – the Pattullo Bridge is an important part of the Major Road Network. Trucks use this crossing to ferry goods around the region and it is important to maintain their access, just as cars.
The Port Mann Bridge is neither owned or operated by TransLink and therefore we have no control over any tolls on that bridge.
If you are looking for travel tips for both transit and driving, please visit You can navigate to “Closure Schedule” for up to date closures each week and month. Also visit for any detours or reroutes related to the construction.
There is a future plan to replace the bridge, however that will take between 5-7 years once started and we have yet to secure funding for that venture. There will be consultation for the general public as to the future of the bridge in June. Those dates to come!
Simply said, the rehab work to this almost 80 year old bridge is necessary whether we replace the bridge or not. It will extend the life of the Pattullo and stay safe for all who use it.