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An update on Metrotown Station upgrade work

An update on Metrotown Station upgrade work

West Stationhouse loop truss
West station house loop truss

Have you noticed the huge steel structures being constructed outside Metrotown Station?

Over the past few weeks, crews have been constructing a massive loop truss which will be installed above the west station house – providing structural support for the station’s roof. MultivistaPhoto-2016-06-09 (1)

The loop truss is so massive, in fact, that it was shipped to the work site in four separate pieces, all of which arrived in May.

Crews have also been working on building eight columns which will support the final structure. 

Over the coming weeks, crews will continue fabricating the loop truss, and later this summer it will be hoisted into place with two separate tandem lifts.

More details to come on what this will mean for customers.

Once fully constructed, the loop truss will weigh approximately 70 tons (140,000lbs) and will be around 64.5 meters (212 feet) in length. 

A similar loop truss will be constructed and then installed in the east stationhouse.

B2x sm 141112 MT-Sitemodel Full NE alternate
A rendering of the completed Metrotown Station upgrades project

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Author: Jordan Keim 


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