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CMBC slows the H2O

CMBC slows the H2O

A bus in the car wash at Surrey Transit Centre.
A bus in getting washed at Surrey Transit Centre.

If your buses don’t sparkle quite as much for the next few months, it’s for a good and GREEN cause.

TransLink is committed to sustainable practices across the Enterprise and CMBC is a great example!

In 2015, when water supplies were low within Metro Vancouver, CMBC voluntarily reduced, and later ceased, bus washing during the summer months.

Now, a formal procedure has been introduced to help conserve water each summer, regardless of water restrictions.

From June 1-September 30, CMBC will reduce bus washing by at least 50%!

This means the schedule will move from washing daily to once every two-three days, as weather and safety permits.

In addition, anytime Metro Vancouver introduces Stage 2 water restrictions, CMBC will voluntary stop all bus washing, except in special circumstances.

These changes will yield BIG water savings—at Burnaby Transit Centre alone, suspending bus washing translates to saving up to 35,000 litres of water each day!

Did you know?

At CMBC transit centres, the bus washes recycle water, using fresh water only for the final rinse.

These water recycling systems reduce the amount of water required to wash each bus by about 75 per cent!

Author: Pamela Findling

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