Update: Commercial–Broadway station upgrades

Update: Commercial–Broadway station upgrades

Broadway Commercial track and train
Commercial–Broadway Station is the busiest station on the network

Upgrades to improve accessibility, capacity, safety and security at Commercial–Broadway Station, one of the busiest stations on the SkyTrain system, are well underway.

Project Status:

  • Two new columns were constructed on either side of Broadway to support the new pedestrian walkway.
  • A steel mesh wall along with the roof structure and its support columns were installed for the new Broadway platform.
  • Concrete columns were erected in the Grandview Cut to support a widened pedestrian overpass to Platforms 1 and 2.

Upcoming work means the Broadway entrance at the south stationhouse (beside CIBC) will be closed from start of service Saturday, June 18, while crews remove three fare gates to make space for construction of the expanded station entrance.

The entrance will reopen prior to start of service on Monday, June 20.

What passengers and neighbours can expect:

  • Customers can access the station from the entrance off 10th Avenue, or from the north stationhouse on the other side of Broadway.
  • SkyTrain attendants will be present on the platform, in the concourse and outside the station to help guide customers to the 10th Avenue entrance.
  • Signs will be installed to direct customers.
  • When the station entrance reopens, there will be six fare gates, two of which are accessible gates. We know that six fare gates will be more than enough for the number of passengers who use this entrance.

Thanks for your patience as we complete these much-needed upgrades to Commercial-Broadway Station.

Stay tuned for additional updates throughout the project!

Looking for more information?

Learn about all of the Expo Line Station upgrades here.

More details about the Commercial–Broadway Station upgrades and project benefits can be found at translink.ca/commercialbroadway.

Got questions? We’re here to listen!
Customer Service: 604.953.3333
Monday to Friday: 5:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 6:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Overnight Station Upgrade Customer Service: 1.866.979.0930
Monday to Friday: 12:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 11:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.:30 a.m.

Author: Jordan Keim

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