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49 detour ending September 5!

49 detour ending September 5!

Good news, 49ers! (The riders of the route, not San Fran’s team)

The City of Vancouver sewer main construction and road work along Marine Drive is almost complete. And that means…the 49 will go back to its regular route!

On Monday, September 5, the 49 will service the following as part of its regular route:

  • 49th Avenue between West Boulevard and SW Marine Drive;
  • SW Marine Drive between 49th Avenue and Dunbar Street; and
  • Dunbar Street between SW Marine Drive and 41st Avenue.

An added bonus, on weekends, the 49 will now be sporting full articulated buses (see above photo) giving customers more options to travel to UBC.

We appreciate your patience during the City’s construction work.

Don’t forget! Fall service changes also go into effect September 5. Visit for more details.

Author: Jessica Hewitt

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