Links and Tidbits – September 30, 2016

Links and Tidbits – September 30, 2016

Links and tidbits is our semi-regular roundup of interesting fodder about transportation from the last few weeks or so. If you have links to contribute, put them in the comments, or email us.

»   A new video game mirrors real life in Russia where dogs take the subway.

»   Proposal by bus blind! No other explanation needed.

»   Something definitely stinks at this bus shelter in Montreal as the city ramps up an anti-trash campaign.

»   We’ve seen this artist before but his continuing commuting doodles are simply too good not to share!

»   And I thought swings on playgrounds were fun! I would swing life away on this subway!

»   Love this! MTA looks for 5 artists to design station murals.

»   The “perfect commuting game?” I intend to test this theory!

»   Shhhh. The new Volvo bus is so quiet it alerts pedestrians when they’re near!

»   ICYMI: A beautiful couple got married on OUR SKYTRAIN!!

»   I think pranks are better left to hand buzzers and squirting lapel flowers. No one wants bugs thrown on them during their commute! (or any other time…)

Uniqlo’s NYC subway-inspired t-shirt collection hits stores

»   ^^I’d wear that!

»   I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Manspreading is nothing new.

»   Keifer Sutherland gets the Ontario summer heat transit blues on the TTC.

»   The books on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round.

»   Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow.

»   ^^Lawyer, Guinness World Record Holder, KING OF THE NEW YORK SUBWAY SYSTEM!!

»   Yes, Olivia Wilde. All of the yes. See an obvious pregnant woman on transit? Give up your seat, people. She’s literally making a human.

»   Apple and Watermelon (a fun pun for those of you who know Japanese or can Google translate this) meet as the new iPhone 7 will have Apple Pay options for Japan travellers on the Suica card!

»   The MTA and Penguin Publishing join together to get the word out with Subway Reads.

»   This new electric bus from Proterra claims 350 miles (yes, miles!) to a single charge!

»   ^^Joseph Gordon Levitt is an actor, drummer and now, pretty sweet subway busker! Looks like he has some underground counterparts.

»   When advertising and real life meet. So meta!

»   He appreciates your offer but he doesn’t need a seat. He’ll just do THIS.

»   Perhaps ^^this guy has the right idea! A new study suggests standing during your commute is better for your health.

»   Much like the older TTC stations, each Berlin subway station is themed differently and has a distinct, artistic profile. FYI: THIS is my favourite TTC station.

»   Just when you thought the chance had passed, I went and saved the best for last!!

Author: Adrienne Coling

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