#SkyTrainChanges Q&A with Ian Fisher
#SkyTrainChanges Q&A with Ian Fisher
In case you missed our announcement earlier this week — big changes are coming to the way you ride SkyTrain! On October 22nd, 2016 the operating pattern of the SkyTrain network will change. We took some time today with Ian Fisher, Manager, Operations Planning to get an indepth look at what the new SkyTrain changes mean and how they will change the way we ride.
For more information on the operating pattern,
visit translink.ca/skytrainchanges.
You can also check out our live streams on Facebook and Periscope!
The key points of the change that may impact you are summarized below:
New operating pattern:
o The Expo Line will now have two branches.
- One route will continue to travel between Waterfront and King George stations.
- A second Expo Line route will run between Waterfront and Production Way–University stations.
o The Millennium Line will no longer travel to/from Waterfront Station. Instead, it will
now run between VCC–Clark and Lougheed Stations.
Transfer points:
You will be able to transfer between the Millennium and Expo lines at three places:
o Commercial–Broadway Station
o Lougheed Town Centre Station
o Production Way–University Station
Please note: You will no longer be able to transfer to or from the Millennium Line at Columbia Station or Waterfront Station.
Author: Sarah Kertcher
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