Fun poll results: Secret transit friends
Fun poll results: Secret transit friends
After 150 votes about secret transit friends, the people have spoken.
It looks like the majority of people like to have some alone time on transit.
It’s always interesting to take examine our transit behaviour. Let’s get down to the results!
Taking the top spot, people who like to keep to themselves with 54 votes (36%), in second are those who don’t have a secret transit friend but want one with 34 votes (23%)!
Following the leaders are those who see their transit friends but don’t interact garnering 23 votes (15%), a quick nod to riders who acknowledge familiar faces who weighed in with 20 votes (13%), those who chat occasionally with their transit buddies totaled 13 votes (9%) and the chatty Cathy’s who love to liven up a commute rounded out the poll with 6 votes (4%).
Remember! There are some people out there looking for a friendly face on transit.
I urge you to pop those ear buds out, look up and interact with someone around you. It might make you smile – or, someone else. Wouldn’t that be great?
Author: Adrienne Coling
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