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The Buzzer illustrator interview: Amy Knill

The Buzzer illustrator interview: Amy Knill

Amy Knill The Buzzer Illustrator

The February special edition of The Buzzer, was special for many reasons. Not only did it feature The Buzzer itself helping two ladies find love on transit, it also contained a free Valentine’s Day card, a fun word search, and so much more. 

This illustration was the creative work of artist and illustrator Amy Knill, who we caught up with to learn more about her life and career as an artist and illustrator.

February Special Edition The Buzzer

Tell us about yourself!

Hi there! My name is Amy and I am a freelance illustrator in the Vancouver area. I spend most of my days drawing and painting when I’m not at work, and I love to take ballet classes when I have spare time! I am passionate about painting, children’s books, dogs, and ocean conservation. I am also an avid tea drinker, haha!

What gets you inspired when you’re creating?

When it comes to painting, I am quite often inspired by nature and animals, but I also just love the idea of creating an image that brings a little bit of happiness to someone!

What do you usually illustrate?

I absolutely love illustrating children’s books, from whimsical themes focusing on the importance of a bright imagination, to illustrating how children deal with difficult situations.

What are your artist tools of choice?

Paint, paint, paint! I especially love working with watercolours and gouache paint.

Tell us about your illustration for the latest print edition of The Buzzer.

My illustration for the latest print of The Buzzer was a Valentine’s theme, so I illustrated two females having a ‘meet cute’, where their hands accidentally touch while both going to pick up The Buzzer. I was really happy to illustrate a same-sex romance since there should be more inclusivity in all company marketing!

What has been some of your favourite projects you’ve created?

My favourite project I have created would have to be my children’s book ‘What If?’. The story is about a little girl who can travel in time through her dreams, and the readers follows her through some of the different eras! I also had a lot of fun creating my graduation project from Emily Carr University, which was a painted series of unique aquatic creatures.

What are some of the fun projects you’re working on now?

I am currently working on a couple of children’s books at the moment! One is a really fun and whimsical book commission which I am working on alongside the author, and one is my own children’s book project about a little bear in search for a friend to hibernate with.

Do you take transit? What’s your favourite – bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus or West Coast Express?

My favourite mode of transit would have to be the bus! I love a long bus ride where I can just relax and listen to a good podcast.

What’s keeping you busy these days?

Apart from a couple of short vacations with my family and boyfriend, I mainly plan to focus on growing my art practice! This summer I hope to send out work to publishers, work on my children’s book, and do a small art exhibition with some friends!

Thanks so much to Amy for taking the time to give us a glimpse into her life as an artist!

If you liked Amy’s work on The Buzzer, please check her out on Instagram, or on her website

If you haven’t picked it up already, it’s your last chance to pickup this edition of The Buzzer on SkyTrain, SeaBus, West Coast Express and buses. You can also download it here.

The next issue of The Buzzer will be our annual Spring edition, which will be available on the system starting on Friday, April 12, 2019.

Interested in becoming an illustrator for The Buzzer? Shoot us an email at

Author: Sarah Kertcher


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