TransLink Tomorrow’s Shared Mobility Pilot nets a Clean50 Top Project award
TransLink Tomorrow’s Shared Mobility Pilot nets a Clean50 Top Project award

TransLink Tomorrow‘s innovative and unique Shared Mobility Pilot program, between TransLink, Evo Car Share, Mobi by ShawGo and Modo Co-operative, is the recipient of Canada’s Clean50 Top Project Award.
The Shared Mobility Pilot provided employees of participating Vancouver-based organizations with a Shared Mobility Compass Card for use with any of the four transportation providers. That meant they could use the same card to access transit, carshare and bikeshare services for work-related travel. At the end of each month, the organizations received one consolidated invoice tallying all trips.
The Clean50 annually offers recognition to Canada’s leaders in sustainability for their contributions over the prior two years. The Shared Mobility Pilot met the Clean50 Top Project’s criteria for an innovative, informative, and inspirational project.
Phase 1 of the pilot, which ran between Oct. 2019 and Aug. 2020, saw 6,000 trips completed among approximately 160 employees in 13 organizations. Our final report found it was highly rated among participants and the results indicate a mode shift towards more sustainable modes of transportation.
- 60 per cent of users said that they used the card to replace the use of a personal vehicle for work-related travel.
- 56 per cent of users said that the card changed their work-related travel behaviour by getting them to try a new mode of transportation or by combining different modes.
TransLink’s collaboration with Evo Car Share, Mobi by ShawGo and Modo Co-operative was formed as part of TransLink Tomorrow’s inaugural Open Call for Innovation on “Seamless Mobility,” with the goal of making multimodal travel easier, more convenient, and seamless.
The Shared Mobility Pilot aimed to test the customer experience and technical integration of tying multimodal journeys together with a Compass Card. It was made possible with the support of movmi Shared Transportation Services Inc.
We’re using data and lessons learned from this first phase to determine our next steps, including a second phase of the pilot later this year. Stay tuned for more information!