Answering the call: David’s journey to serving his community

Answering the call: David’s journey to serving his community

A close-up of the Community Safety Officer uniform

Ever since he was a youth, David has coveted a career in helping people.

And he’s found just that as Metro Vancouver Transit Police’s first Community Safety Officer where he will work alongside Transit Police officers to patrol the transit system.

A moment six years ago sparked this journey.

Helping someone

David was volunteering at a Car-Free Day street festival in Port Moody when an older person who couldn’t find their car came up to him for help in a panic.

He was able to help them regain their composure. Eventually David walked them over to the Port Moody and Transit Police, who had a tent setup at the festival. In no time, the police officers were able to find the person’s car.

“That was a light bulb moment for me,” says David. “It’s a very small thing, but just being able to help someone in that way really stuck with me.”

Volunteering, then joining Transit Police

Owing to this newly discovered passion, he started volunteering as a 17-year-old with Metro Vancouver Transit Police’s Waterfront Community Policing Centre and later the Blue Eagle Community Cadets program.

Outside of a policing environment, David volunteered as a soccer referee and worked as a recreation supervisor with the City of Port Moody. Both of which taught him valuable conflict resolution skills. He also enrolled in the child and youth care program at Douglas College after graduating high school.

Now, 20 years old, David is proud to say he grew up with Transit Police, moving from volunteering roles to a full-time paid role as a Community Safety Officer. He credits these experiences for giving him immeasurable skills that transfer into policing.

“I think a lot of people have misconceptions that you have to have a criminology degree to get into policing, but that’s not the case,” David explains. “I chose to study something I’m really passionate about and I think it worked out really well.”

Walking the beat as a Community Safety Officer

As a Community Safety Officer, David and his colleagues are adding another layer of safety, reassurance, and support to passengers, alongside Metro Vancouver Transit Police officers and frontline transit staff.

In addition to regular patrol duties, Community Safety Officers will help with tasks such as community engagement, transit safety education, collection of evidence, perimeter security at police incidents, crowd control, fare enforcement, and support at major events and emergencies.

“It sounds cliché, but helping people really drew me in. Whether it’s a small call or a big call, I think I can make a difference.”

This role is a boon for David, who aspires to become a police officer one day. He says it’s a great start to a career in law enforcement as he will gain invaluable skills.

“I see it as a mentorship opportunity,” he says. “You get to directly work with the Transit Police members and staff here. I don’t think there’s a better pathway than this.”

Transit Police’s hiring Community Safety Officers

That’s why he encourages people to join him patrolling the transit system as a Community Safety Officer, which was implemented by Metro Vancouver Transit Police in January. In total, Transit Police is hiring for 12 officers this year and an additional 12 next year.

“You can be a part of building something from the ground up,” David says. “It’s a brand-new program — the opportunities are endless.”

Community Safety Officers are enrolled in a pension plan and receive full benefits. Both part-time and full-time positions are available, which makes it a perfect opportunity for post-secondary students and recent graduates.

“Don’t be afraid to apply, right?” David says. He adds if you are not ready to become a Community Safety Officer, you can start volunteering with the Waterfront Community Policing Centre and Blue Eagle Cadets program.

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Learn more about becoming a Community Safety Officer at