Quick-thinking Bus Operator puts out fire at local business

Quick-thinking Bus Operator puts out fire at local business

CCTV footage of Bus Operator putting out fire near sidewalk

A quick-thinking Bus Operator with Coast Mountain Bus Company stopped a potentially dangerous situation in the Downtown Eastside — and has earned local praise for his efforts.

Operator Brian Donovan, who was driving the 20 Victoria/Downtown bus, put out a small fire shortly before 2 a.m. on July 23 outside a cheese shop on East Hastings Street.

The shop shared a video of the incident on the social media platform, X.

The video shows the operator using a fire extinguisher to douse the flames and stop the spread of the fire.

While driving the bus, Brian first noticed someone standing near a strange light on the sidewalk. He quickly realized it was a small fire in a storefront.

His first thought was, “I’m gonna put it out.”

Brian says taking swift action was “just common sense and the right thing to do.” He credits the security guard, who was first on the scene, for calling the fire department.

Once the fire was extinguished, he was behind the wheel and back on schedule in about five minutes. “Customers were cheering and clapping; they were really excited, it was pretty cool,” says Brian.

The operator thanks his extensive Coast Mountain Bus Company safety training for preparing him to deal with the situation. He’s worked with the company since December 2023 and adds, “Every day is a learning experience and I wasn’t expecting any recognition.”

Joe Chaput, co-owner of les amis du FROMAGE, says he gives a “gold star” to Brian’s speedy efforts. He adds he did an “awesome job” and his store might not have been open the next day, had it not been for the operator’s quick response.

Vancouver Fire Rescue Services confirmed it responded to a fire around 1:44 a.m. on July 23 at 843 East Hastings Street, when a sign outside the storefront had initially caught fire. After Brian contained the flames, firefighters checked to ensure the area was safe. The cause of the blaze is under investigation.

“VFRS would like to thank the Operator for their actions in containing the fire and potentially preventing significant damage to the building,” says Vancouver Fire Rescue Services Spokesperson Capt. Matthew Trudeau. “The courage and quick action is great to see, especially when it comes to helping others and our community.”

TransLink CEO Kevin Quinn says, “We appreciate and commend this Bus Operator’s quick-thinking and heroic actions in stopping a potentially harmful situation. Transit staff face the frontlines every day and are often called upon to offer help when it’s needed and safe to do so.”

Coast Mountain Bus Company equips all buses with fire extinguishers for emergencies on (or in this case, off) any bus. Occasionally, Bus Operators will respond to small fires like this one and go above and beyond to keep our communities safe.