TransLink reaches gold in sustainability

In June, I told you about CMBC's (Coast Mountain Bus Company) Idle Free campaign. CMBC was recognized by CUTA (Canadian Urban Transit Association)…

Friday Fun Poll: How do you spend most of your time on transit?

Do you read on transit? I found the last poll so interesting, fun and popular that I thought I'd keep the poll vibe going with a fresh one. This time…

Burrard Station elevator out of service starting Monday, September 26th

If you're using Burrard Station this upcoming Monday, please take note of changes to elevator accessibility due to construction. I don't usually…

Links & Tidbits for September 19, 2011

Here's a gem of a 1976 Montreal Métro video that's been making the rounds on the Internet of late. Thanks…

Washrooms on the system

Do you want to see more washrooms on or near the system? Where are the washrooms on the system? That's a good question. If you're taking the SeaBus…

The results of the August “Do you say ‘Thanks’ to bus drivers?” poll

The results are in for the "Do you say 'Thanks' to bus drivers?" poll. It seems most Buzzer readers say "Thanks" to bus drivers, but not always. This…

New ways to find your way: An interview about TransLink’s new transportation wayfinding strategy

New ID sign at the Bridgeport Bus Exchange TransLink's Joanne Proft, Project Manager in Infrastructure Planning, said something interesting when I…

Our new mobile website is live! main page After a lot of planning, work and some testing (thanks again, Buzzer readers), the newly upgraded mobile website is finally…

The September 2011 Buzzer and Ed Spence: Buzzer illustrator interview

The cover of the September, 2011 Buzzer and the artist, Ed Spence The latest issue of the Buzzer is now on buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus and West Coast…

Labour Day holiday service, Mon Sept 5, 2011

Wooohooo, It’s Labour Day on Monday, September 5, 2011. That not only means it's a holiday for many of us, it also means that buses, SeaBus, and…

Putting a shine on a good cause

Shining the bus 2007 at UBC The first week of school is a hairy time. New students are trying to figure out where their classes are, staff are…

Real-time transit information beta test wrap-up

Buzzer blog mobile testers: Graham, Josh, Eric, Ronald and Walter This morning, five Buzzer readers were among the first non-TransLink members of the…

Moving Forward public meetings

Your chance to learn about the possible future of transit in Metro Vancouver If you've been keeping up to date on TransLink funding issues, you'd…

September service changes and optimization

Changes are coming to some September transit schedules Fall is quickly approaching (September 23rd to be exact), and with the change in the weather…

On the road to another record

Has your commute changed recently? There's been a lot of reflection these past couple of weeks on transit and TransLink. Last week, we celebrated…

