Friday fun poll: when did you first ride the SkyTrain?

A new Mark II SkyTrain! Whee! As we have been reminiscing about SkyTrain lately, I thought it would be apropos to ask you about your earliest…

The February 2011 Buzzer is now out!

The February 2011 Buzzer is now on board all buses, SeaBus, SkyTrain, and West Coast Express! This issue talks about the launch of our new…

SkyTrain historic pamphlets: Transformers teach kids to ride the system!

Up up and away: the SkyTrain Transformer helps kids learn to ride the system! Why yes, that IS a SkyTrain Transformer! He's the star of Up, Up, and…

SkyTrain history: a little more Charles and Diana

Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales at Patterson Station in 1986. Aha --- I'm pleased to present a story from Ven Rao, one of the SkyTrain…

Links and tidbits for Tue Feb 1, 2011

I saw this written on a bus window this winter :) Tidbits and links on transportation from the last little while! Alexander Chen turns the New York…

More SkyTrain history with Alan M: photos of Scott Road Station, 1990

The banner unrolled after the ribbon cutting. Photo by Alan M. What a bounty: Alan M has shared some great photos from the opening of Scott Road…

Fun poll results: 50% have turned a lost item in, 50% have not

Wow, I don't think a poll has ever turned out this way before! Last week I asked if you'd ever found a lost item on transit and turned it in. And…

Rider alerts for UBC buses, the 135, and New West Station, Jan 29 and 31, 2011

A couple of key transit updates have crossed my desk. Spread these around if you know people who might be affected! Saturday, Jan 29, 2011: one…

Last day to vote on the smartcard name, Friday January 28, 2011

A ticket vending machine on the Canada Line. In 2013, we'll be using electronic fare card instead! Reminder: today, Friday, January 28, 2011, is your…

CUTA BC Youth Summit application deadline extended: Mon Feb 21, 2011

Update: we've extended the deadline for applications for the CUTA BC youth summit! The new deadline is now Monday, February 21, 2011, not Monday,…

Developers: iBusVan is now open source and the code is available now!

A screenshot from iBusVan, the now-discontinued Vancouver transit iPhone app. Good news: developers can now download the source code for iBusVan, the…

More historic SkyTrain photos from Alan M

A couple of interesting SkyTrain ads! Photo by Alan M. SkyTrain's 25th anniversary celebration continues online! After providing such a wonderful…

Quick note: Buzzer blog outage for upgrades, Wed Jan 26, 2011, 9-10am

Just a quick note to let you know the Buzzer blog will be down for an hour tomorrow morning: that's Wednesday, January 26, 2011, from 9-10 a.m.…

Smart card contest voting ends on Fri Jan 28, 2011

Smart card technology will replace our existing ticketing system in 2013. Just a reminder that voting in the smart card contest ends on Friday,…

Donated: a 1929 Buzzer and some classic tickets!

Just want to point out something I got a while back: a 1929 Buzzer! It actually describes the discovery of an old document showing the state of…

