Did you know the chair of our board is a transit host?

Dale Parker, chair of TransLink's board, with Sany, another transit host from TransLink. If you've been down to Aberdeen Station during the Games,…

What is Lost Property collecting during the Olympic period?

A box of single mittens found on transit. How sad! The Lost Property office in Stadium-Chinatown Station I went down to our Lost Property office in…

How we manage the lineups at King Edward Station

A crowd emerges from the curling venue and heads for King Edward Station on the Canada Line. Here's another lineup story about King Edward Station,…

All aboard the West Coast Express (there’s extra trips for the Olympics)!

The 6 a.m. West Coast Express train parked at Mission City Station. I got up in the wee hours of Monday morning to ride the West Coast Express (WCE)…

A visit to the UBC bus loop

The crowds for UBC Thunderbird Arena, getting off the 99 at the UBC diesel bus loop. Last but not least, on Tuesday evening I visited the UBC bus…

Visits from Broadway-City Hall all the way to Richmond-Brighouse

Mike Shiffer, our vice-president of planning, helping out a customer. Mike Shiffer, our vice-president of planning, was spending the whole last half…

Your Olympic event tickets have your transit fare covered (all day!)

A photo of a stack of Olympic tickets. Photo by kiwinky. In case you don't know already -- your Olympic event ticket also gives you free access to…

SeaBus south terminal after the opening ceremonies

Crowds waiting at the SeaBus south terminal at Waterfront after the opening ceremonies on Friday, February 12. Just got these photos from my…

Bike valets offer free secure bike parking in Vancouver

The bike valet service near LiveCity Yaletown in downtown Vancouver. If you’re cycling to Olympic events in Vancouver, remember that you can leave…

Opening ceremonies: photos & such from the transit side of things

Crowds coming out of Yaletown-Roundhouse Station at about 4:30 p.m. Well, as mentioned, I went down to see what the crowds looked like on transit for…

Friday fun post: are you planning to go to a lot of Games events?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the poll about travelling during the Olympic period. Last week: do you tend to help out new folks…

The Olympic torch runs through Aberdeen Station

The Olympic torchbearer heads up the escalator onto the train. Photo by Alex Dawson. Alex Dawson managed to catch some shots of the Olympic torch as…

Friday fun post: are you helping out new folks on transit?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the poll about helping out new folks on transit. Last week: are you noticing the Olympic crowds…

Reminder: Olympic souvenir passes are valid as of Monday, Feb 8

The 3-zone Olympic FareCard. Just a reminder that the six-week Olympic transit passes are valid starting next Monday, February 8! So if you were…

Chloe Lan: Buzzer illustrator interview!

Chloe Lan and her illustration for the January/February Buzzer! Let's keep going with the fine tradition of interviewing our Buzzer illustrators!…

