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Lansdowne Station photos from the Canada Line open house

Lansdowne Station photos from the Canada Line open house

Lansdowne Station in Richmond, during the open house on April 9. Photo by <a href=>David Lam</a>.
Lansdowne Station in Richmond, during the open house on April 9. Photo by David Lam.

If you couldn’t get to the Canada Line open house two weeks ago, take a look at some photos of the event thanks to kind contributors David Lam, Tafyrn Palecloud, and CJ Stebbing.

First, David Lam took the photo at the start of this post, and you can find a full set of his photos at the Trans-Vancouver bus photo site. (I did a profile of David & his Trans-Vancouver bus enthusiast associates, if you’d like to read it.)

The platform at Lansdowne Station. Photo by <a href=>Tafyrn Palecloud</a>.
The platform at Lansdowne Station. Photo by Tafyrn Palecloud.

Second, you can see Tafyrn Palecloud’s photos at Canada Line Photography. Tafyrn is well known for having the most comprehensive Canada Line photograph site online, which he runs along with Seamora Palecloud. (I wrote a profile of Tafyrn and Seamora on the blog as well, if you’d like to see that!)

And last but certainly not least, CJ Stebbing sent along a set of photos, which he is also hosting in two album on his Facebook account: here’s album 1, and here’s album 2. Here are six of CJ’s photos as an appetizer (and that’s CJ in the last one)!


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