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Photo and video of Canada Line opening day

Photo and video of Canada Line opening day

A Canada Line train at Lansdowne Station on opening day. Photo by <a href=>Dennis Tsang</a>.
A Canada Line train at Lansdowne Station on opening day. Photo by Dennis Tsang.

Whoosh — Canada Line’s opening day is over! And several readers have emailed in some terrific photos and video of the huge event for everyone to look at. Here’s a roundup:


Check out the official opening day story post here. It’s picking up! Sungsu tells all about how he waited for 0 minutes during opening day :) And feel free to share your first ride experiences in that thread too, even if you didn’t ride on opening day.

Here’s some more blog posts from others about riding the Line: Regarding Place, the Vancouver LiveJournal community, Kim Werker, Stephen Rees, the Transport Politic, and John Chow’s blog, where he interviews people in the long Waterfront lineup in HD!

I’ll add these links to the main photo and video post and the first ride/opening day stories post.



Ok, here’s my YouTube playlist featuring all the videos sent in so far!

However I thought I’d also include a list of the videos, since some are not on YouTube and others might not like playlists.

Send me more stuff

As always feel free to e-mail me with any other photo, video etc!

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