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Canada Line and the Olympics

Canada Line and the Olympics

The lineup for the Canada Line at about 4 p.m. on Wednesday, February 17.

Well, the Olympics have been a huge part of Canada Line’s history so far, so I thought I’d put together a few photos that capture the Canada Line Olympic experience.

For the 17-day Games period, the Canada Line carried over 3,881,986 passengers, with the most ever riding on Friday, February 19: 287,000 riders! Towards the end of the Olympics, the full set of 20 trains was deployed to handle the huge crowds, and most everyone seemed to have a good time, despite the close quarters on the cars. (For some more detail and stats about the Canada Line, check out this post from the APTA Rail conference. For more Olympic transit stats, see this press release.)

A few more photos follow. Enjoy!

A packed train car during the Olympics!
The LED displays cheer on Canada's Olympic team.
Crowds rush out of Richmond-Brighouse Station, heading for the O-Zone entertainment zone.
Curling crowds line up outside King Edward Station, waiting their turn for a trip.
The Canada Line lineup inside Waterfront Station.
Riders in costume approach Aberdeen Station.
A transit host helps a passerby!
A full train car heading into downtown Vancouver on the last day of the Olympics.

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