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Canada Line turns one: photos from the opening, part 2

Canada Line turns one: photos from the opening, part 2

Mayor Gregor Robertson cuts the ribbon opening Broadway-City Hall Station. Taken August 17, 2009.

As mentioned yesterday, in honour of Canada Line’s one-year anniversary on August 17, I’ve dug up some little-seen photos from opening day. It turns out we have a lot of photos, so I’ll be posting them in four installments over the week!

This is part two, with pictures from the Broadway-City Hall opening ceremony, and snaps from Yaletown-Roundhouse and King Edward. (Here’s part 1, part 3, and part 4 in this series.)

As you might recall, Broadway-City Hall Station had its own opening ceremony on opening day: Vancouver city council opened the station at 12:05 p.m. that day. (Here’s the schedule and activity map from opening day!)

Again, this is just a small sample of many: see the full gallery of photos in this Flickr set!

The lineup at Broadway-City Hall Station for the Canada Line opening. Taken August 17, 2009.
A full train at King Edward Station. Taken August 17, 2009.
The inside of a full train at King Edward Station. Taken August 17, 2009.
The lineup at Yaletown-Roundhouse Station for opening day. Taken August 17, 2009.
Volunteers handing out buttons and fortune cookies at Yaletown-Roundhouse for the Canada Line opening. Taken August 17, 2009.

For more, feel free to check out some first day stories, a roundup of opening day photo and video, and some past Buzzer posts about the construction of the line.

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