Calling all buskers!
Calling all buskers!
Clips from a few buskers at last year’s audition
For 27 years, buskers have been part of the culture of transit in Metro Vancouver. Since Expo ’86, musicians of every ilk have provided riders with entertainment and a soundtrack to their travels. Buskers help make the six SkyTrain stations in downtown Vancouver more vibrant adding a bit of music and art to the environment.
Busking applications due November 28, 2013
Every year, licenses open up for new buskers to join seasoned veterans already playing on the system. Interested in busking on the system? All you need to do is fill out the application form on the buskers page of the TransLink website.
Busking auditions are December 4, 2013
Once applications are submitted, qualified buskers will be asked to audition. This year, we’ll be holding our auditions at TransLink’s new office at 400 – 287 Nelson’s Court, New Westminster. The event is from 10 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on December 4 and open to auditioning buskers and media only (Sorry, there’s not enough room for more people). However, we’ll be videotaping the event and posting it on the blog and the Buzzer YouTube channel shortly afterwards.
If you have a moment, take a look at Buzzer coverage of buskers in the past. I’ll be posting more on the auditions as we get closer to the date, including an exciting way for riders to be part of the fun. Stay tuned, and get those applications in!
What did you think of this story?
The way that’s worded it sounds as if there are only buskers at six downtown stations – talk about being overly Vancouver-centric. I regularly hear them at Metrotown, which I guess means they aren’t TransLink approved buskers (too bad as there was one girl who had a great voice – I wish she was around more often).
Hi Sheba: You’re right. Buskers are only supposed to busk in fare paid areas of SkyTrain stations if they have a busking license supplied by TransLink. The main reason why busking happens in six locations is that many of the SkyTrain stations do not have the room to accommodate buskers. At Metrotown for example, during rush hour the station is filled with people. Having buskers play in the fare zone areas during that time would impede riders and make for safety issues.
If you do come across this girl again, please do encourage her to apply audition for a license. From the sounds of it she may stand a great chance of be chosen.
Thanks for the comment!
[…] house for TransLink’s annual busker competition So You Think You Can Busk? tomorrow! In the two-week call for audition applications, we had nearly 50 musicians apply. These musicians will compete for eight coveted one-year […]