Improving washroom facilities for SeaBus riders
September 26, 2016
|By Adrienne Coling
Improving washroom facilities for SeaBus riders
September 26, 2016
|By Adrienne Coling

Attention SeaBus riders!
Beginning in October, washrooms at the north and south SeaBus terminals will temporarily close to undergo work, including accessibility improvements.
As part of the work, separate accessible washrooms will be built within the existing space and will include infant changing tables.Have questions?
Contact Customer Information at 604.953.3333.
Author: Jessica Hewitt
What did you think of this story?
The image of the seabus washroom closure sign in the article states that the washrooms will be closed from October to winter 2017, which is more than a year away. But the last sentence of the article states that they will be complete this winter.
If the image is of the intended signage that will be put up at the terminals, that should be corrected.
Hi Aurora,
Thanks for your comment. To clarify, it is THIS winter in 2017, which going by the calendar does include about 10 days of December but is usually referred to the period of January to March. Thanks!