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The first of the new SkyTrain cars has arrived!!

The first of the new SkyTrain cars has arrived!!

The first of 48 new SkyTrain cars has arrived at SkyTrain headquarters! I took a video because a photo couldn’t quite capture the whole train — beware, you can hear me talking in it.

Bet you didn’t expect it to be grey and blue, did you? The cars are painted to match the new livery on the bus fleet. It’s so different from the white SkyTrain cars, but you might see them mixed and matched in the future—the new cars, which are all Mark II cars, can be attached to the older white Mark II cars.

Two of the 48 cars have actually arrived: you can see one in front of the other in the video and the photos later in this post. They will be paired into a single train with that grey accordion bit in the middle. (For those that don’t know, the Mark II cars are the newer looking cars with the grey accordion gangway in the middle. Mark Is are the classic cars from the 80s.)

The new cars are currently being un-shrink-wrapped and getting some parts installed, and will then undergo testing and commissioning before starting service later this year. They also have awesome new interiors with exciting features — but I can’t share them all with you until we do an official launch in a month or so! Be patient though: I’ll be all over that when the official launch happens :)

And as promised, I’ve got more photos of the new cars after the jump! Click each photo for much, much larger versions.

The new SkyTrain!
The new SkyTrain!

The old and new SkyTrains.
The old and new SkyTrains.
Another angle of the old and new trains together.
Another angle of the old and new trains together.
Yes, another angle of the old and new SkyTrain cars.
Yes, another angle of the old and new SkyTrain cars.
The side of the new SkyTrain cars.
The side of the new SkyTrain cars.
The new SkyTrain car from the front.
The new SkyTrain car from the front.

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