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Next week is I Love Transit Week – and the Buzzer’s first live meetup!

Next week is I Love Transit Week – and the Buzzer’s first live meetup!

Here’s the surprise I warned you about in the February Buzzer: from Feb 23-27, it’s going to be I Love Transit Week on the blog!

Why? Because while there are things we don’t like about transit, I know there are many things that we do like about the system. And there just hasn’t been an official opportunity to celebrate what we like – until now!

So next week, I’ll have essays, discussion posts, and more, encouraging you to share what you enjoy about transit and what the system means to you. Plus I’ll cram the March print Buzzer as full as I can with your contributions from this week.

(If you want to write an essay, photo essay or put together any other transit tribute, please email me your contribution and I’ll put it up during the week!)

The Buzzer’s first live meetup!

A sampling of the I Love Transit buttons that will be available! Four of these have been designed by the kind and super talented <a href=>Jason Vanderhill</a>.
A sampling of the I Love Transit buttons that will be available, thanks to the Mustache Press! Four of these have been designed by the kind and super talented Jason Vanderhill.

I Love Transit Week will also include the Buzzer blog’s first live meetup: I Love Transit Night!

Come down to the End Café on Thursday Feb. 26, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.! (2360 Commercial Drive – it’s located right next to Commercial Drive Station.)

We’re going to play transit games and test everyone’s knowledge of the system. I’ll also have buttons, bus and SkyTrain cutouts, and more fun transit-related items on hand. And while we can’t provide the drinks, appetizers will be supplied. All ages and levels of transit-nerdery are welcome!

If you’re coming, please RSVP to – I’d like to get a head count so I can plan for food and such.

And let’s get this week started early — feel free to share what you like (or even love!) about transit in the comments below!


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