Cloverdale Rodeo Parade bus reroutes for Sat May 16

Cloverdale Rodeo Parade bus reroutes for Sat May 16

The annual Cloverdale Rodeo Parade runs this Saturday, May 16 starting at 10 a.m. And you know what that means for us — bus reroutes!

The parade will start on 177B and Highway 10, then route via Highway 10, 176, 58A, 176A, 60, 177B to Highway 10, meaning the following reroutes will apply:

320 Langley: Regular route to 176 & 64 then via 64, right on 180, left on 60, then regular route.
320 Surrey: Regular route to 60 & 184 then via right on 184, left on 64, then regular route.
341 Langley: Regular route to 60 and 176 then via right on 176 Cloverdale Bypass, left on Highway 10, then regular route.
341 Guildford: Regular route to Highway 10 and 177B, then via Highway 10, right on Cloverdale Bypass 176, left on 60th, then regular route.
C70 Cloverdale: Regular route to 64 and 184, then via 64, left on 176 Cloverdale Bypass, left on Highway 10, then regular route.
C70 Willowbrook: Regular route to Highway 10 and 177B, then via Highway 10, right on Cloverdale Bypass 176, right on 64, then regular route.

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